blue print of the Creator’s heart is not far from you and neither is it
difficult to figure out. What you are in this earth for is imprinted in your
innermost being and sometimes you leave it, pursuing what society or what
religion tells you is the will of God. How then do you know the heart of God
that you can pursue it? Several times religion has made it so difficult for one
to discover what the Creator has set them to do. Religion has made us to look
for the spectacular visitations and miss the guidance that comes with the
simplicity of how the will of God is revealed to us.
The spirit of man [that factor
in human personality which proceeds immediately from God] is the lamp of the
Lord, searching all his innermost parts. [Proverbs 20: 27] AMP
As I quoted in my earlier blog,
For we are God's [own] handiwork (His
workmanship), created in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good
works which God predestined (planned before hand) for us [taking paths which He
prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life
which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]. [Ephesians 2: 10] AMP.
The above text shows us that there are paths already defined and set
that you are supposed to walk in, and they are not difficult to identify, yet
many struggle to discover. The initial key step to discovering the blue print
of your purpose is the new birth. It is when one’s spirit is awakened to the
Fatherhood of God and hence awakened to a new identity. The wisest person ever
to live in the recorded Judean history before the coming of Christ said,
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Religion has made us to look for the spectacular visitations and miss the guidance that comes with the simplicity of how the will of God is revealed to us. |
The spirit of a man is what can search the innermost being and pick
the blue print of one’s purpose or areas in the heart of God to be accomplished
in and through them. This is also witnessed by the 1st century
writer, Paul, saying,
what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in
Cor 2:11] NKJV
What you are
supposed to be setting goals around is inside you and when your spirit is
reconfigured through rebirth you are empowered to get direction with clarity.
God uses the candle of you spirit to help you read the blue print. One wonders
then how he does it. Sometimes people have spectacular means through which they
have gotten direction or discovered their purposes. It doesn’t always have to
be spectacular and I will take two portions to help you figure out.
The simplest way
that the blue print is revealed to us is through this simple thing…. DESIRE. Im
my earlier blog, YOUR FUEL TO DESTINY I defined desires as God given energies
that under the right environment are given to fuel us to our destiny. The
Master Himself talking to his apprenticesV said,
I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye
receive them, and ye shall have them. [Mark 11:24]
Many have put emphasis on the word faith and
prayer when they read this portion but here I want to zero on the word ‘desire’.
When you are in the right environment of worship and fellowship in prayer,
listen to your desires, he says. When you are communing with the presence of
God, God speaks in the form of desires that bud; and we realize the fruit when
we put work to it. People always produce what they hang out with and when you
hang out with God you get his desires. Several times we are asking God to speak
to us and yet in many instances trying
to silence and stifle the desires that he has put in our hearts.
As quoted in my earlier blog describing David, God said, He's
a man whose heart beats to my heart, a man who will do what I tell him.' (1
Samuel 13: 14)
It was through heart to heart fellowship that desires were transferred
and David was directed in his walk. This is why the same David then wrote,
Be delighted with the Lord. Then he will
give you all your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust
him to help you do it, and he will. [Ps 37:4-5] TLB
This text makes it clear that when you delight in fellowshipping with
the Lord there are purified desires that bud in you and he is ready to give
them to you. When you get the desires, you are then supposed to set your goals
according to these desires like he says, commit every plan to him and he will
help you do it.
What strong and persistent desires do you continually have recurring
and coming back to you? That desire of a business, company, marriage,
organization, house, helping the needy, starting that institution, studying
that course, investing in that project, going back to school and that one I
have not mentioned, start planning and setting goals around it. The heart of
God comes to us through desire.
Sometimes the magnitude or the direction of the central purpose is
such as that can blow your mind. Sometimes we are weakened by religion and
society that we cannot understand and worse still receive what he has for us.
Its too big for us to embrace, and He helps us.
In the same way,
the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for,
but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
[Rom 8:26]
our quest for the will and direction, or in trying to interpret our blue print,
the above text talks of us receiving help from God in our weaknesses. He is not
talking about physical weaknesses, but those of the soul like mental
incapacitation to carry and bear the intensity of God's desires and what he is
about to do. These are weaknesses of doubts, religious filters in our minds
that gives us a narrow frame to think along, broken spirits and many of the
like. The word ‘helps’ is derived from the Greek word, ‘sunantilambanomai’ which
literally means to take hold of the opposite end together or picking up the
other end of a heavy object to move it with you.
magnitude of what ought to be done will be bigger than our scope of life and is
like a heavy load in our spirits. It is in this understanding that the Holy
Spirit is said to help. He holds one end and you do the other until at the end
you sense a level of peace and joy that tell you that you have received a
certain part of the blueprint. You then have to take note of the desires that
come in this environment of peace. Some of the desires come as ideas that
release a certain level if peace and joy in your heart. It is this peace that
guards your hearts and is the green light of God's will.
is what happens when we are praying and suddenly you have a burden that in some
is released with groanings and tounges you are not aware of in some instances.
After intense prayer and wrestling one realizes peace in their hearts and it is
at such instances that we realize clear desires and intentions that we could
not embrace before.
So as
we are planning for our year and setting goals let us take note of this means
of the creator unfolding his will, heart and plans for our lives through our
desires. We are as mentioned in another earlier blog, supposed to commit our
plans to the Lord. When he gives you these desires, then as Dr Lance Wallnau
says it, you have to move hell, timing, circumstances and your own iniquitous
patterns out of the way so that the future will manifest.
time in the presence of God this week and search deeply the desires that are
prevalent and those that continuously
come to you. Take note of them and begin to plan and set goals around them with
the confidence and energy that you are on the right track.
not miss out on my next blog when I continue with how you transfer desires to
specific goals and plans of action. It’s the season of settting goals and
walking to your wealthy place.
Coach Tarie-Pastor|Life-Executive-Entrepreneuship-Coach|Consultant|LeadershipTrainer|Speaker|
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