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What one thing do you think if you could do differently in 2018 would move your life closer to your destiny in the following areas.

1. Relationship with God
2. Family and/ or marriage/ relationship
3. Finances
4. Career and Personal Development
5. Health
6. Social Responsibility

Write down one thing you can do in each of the areas, that you think would make the greatest difference.

For each item, break it into monthly, weekly and daily tasks that would contribute to the realisation of positive changes.

Start today to act now in all these areas and be consistent whether you feel like it or not. Remember you are not working alone, God is working inside you to give you the desire and ability. [Philippians 2: 13]

One of the areas that identifies us with God is planning. God's creative ability is expressed in planning and we are like God when we plan our way to what he has promised. Planning is one of the greatest demonstrations of faith. Let us plan our ways to a better 2018 trusting in all the positive prophetic themes and declarations we got for the new year.

# 2018 - Year of Maximizing your potential through cultivating a management culture.

If you want help to make any of the 6 areas above different contact Coach Tarie.

Pastor|Life -Entrepreneuship- Family Coach|Consultant| Leadership Trainer| |Speaker|Blogger|Author|Development Practitioner|www.coachtarie.com|coachtarie@ gmail.com|facebook/twitter/ linkedin @ Coach Tarie| +263773 301 267/ +263 712 106 415